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Grab a mirror
Bring it close
And stare
Stare at yourself.
Notice your eyes
Your lips
Your nose
Your cheeks
Your skin.
Notice how you cannot look at the same time,
And I mean really carefully look,
At both eyes.
You just can't
No matter how hard you try
Only one at the time
One beautiful eye per one beautiful eye.
Notice how you cannot look at your nose
At the same time as your cheeks
It just doesn't work
One part of your beautiful face
Per one part of your beautiful face.
Notice how you cannot look at the tip of your nose
Or the inside of your eye retina
At the same time as the outside of your eye retina
Or the root of your nose
You simply can't
Not if you really look
Only spot per spot.
And notice
Notice how you cannot see your face, your body, the whole you at once.
So, why try to understand it all at once?
Why not understand it part per part?
Why strive for the whole without knowing the parts first?